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Low Level Eligibility

USTA Atlanta Low Level Eligibility

Any player registering to play on a low level team must first confirm their eligibility prior to registering for the team.
Players will not receive a refund if they register for a team in which they are not eligible to play. TennisLink does not prevent illegal players from registering to low level teams. Therefore it is the captain and player's responsibility to ensure eligibility prior to registering.
USTA Atlanta does weekly checks for player eligibility prior to the season starting and after the season begins; however, it is ultimately the player's and captain's responsibility to ensure eligibility prior to registering to a low level team.

Winter 2024 (2025 League Year) Low Level Eligibility

Any player registering for an 18 & Over or 40 & Over low level winter team will need to confirm low level eligibility prior to registering for their team. 

Players registering to a low level team as of 12/3/24 for the winter season must first confirm their low level eligibility by emailing Carolina Kaminski ( at USTA Georgia.

Refunds ARE NOT given to players who register without confirming their eligibility first.

3.5 Low Eligibility - Women - email Carolina Kaminski (
4.0 Low Eligibility - Women - email Carolina Kaminski (
4.0 Low Eligibility - Men - email Carolina Kaminski (

How Do I Get a Rating?

If you are a new USTA player and do not have a rating,
you will need to complete the self-rate questionnaire prior to registering for a team.
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